Influencing Skills

DCS Training - Influencing Skills

Duration: 4 weeks.
: £295.
Location: Online, Classroom, Blended.


This course is designed for anyone who aims to improve their influencing skills at work, internally with colleagues or externally with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.

It gives delegates an understanding of how to leverage their own personal influencing style to generate optimal outcomes for themselves and others, as well as providing increased awareness of the styles of others and how these styles impact relationships and decision-making.

More info:

  • Click the Course Description tab below in order to read the full course description.
  • Click the Enquiry Form tab to contact the DCS Team and make an enquiry (schedule, duration, etc.) about this course before becoming a participant.
  • Click the Buy Now! tab to purchase this course as a participant.
  • Please fill out the Registration Form when you are ready to become a course participant.
  • Email: | Tel: 020 7175 7735

Course Description: Influencing Skills


By the end of this session participants will:

  1. Have a greater awareness of their own influencing style preferences.
  2. Understand how to recognise the influencing preferences of others.
  3. Understand the difference between positive influencing and negative persuasion.
  4. Be able to adapt their own influencing approach to achieve better, win-win outcomes.
  5. Have a wider ‘toolkit’ of influencing techniques and strategies that they will be able to implement in everyday situations at work.


Delegates will have a ‘toolkit’ of influencing techniques and strategies that they will be able to implement in everyday situations at work – for example:

  1. Cross-functional project teams and working groups.
  2. Contributing effectively in meetings.
  3. Influencing upwards and influencing peers.
  4. How to influence others without having ‘formal’ or ‘line management’ authority.
  5. Challenging others constructively and supportively.
  6. Influencing in ‘difficult’ and ‘sensitive’ situations.

This day will be complemented by 1 hour of personal one-to-one influencing skills coaching per delegate after the course, either face-to-by or by phone.


  • £295 GBP [Buy Now!]
    – You can also click the Buy Now! tab to purchase this course.

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    You can purchase this course via PayPal by clicking the Buy Now! button link below.

    DCS Course Registration Form:

    Please fill in all required form data so that the DCS Team can efficiently register you for this course.

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      About DCS Team 48 Articles
      We are a professional consultancy service and training provider, delivering a range of online courses, short courses and Apprenticeships. Dynamic Client Solutions (DCS) Ltd understand the needs of those looking to build exciting careers and develop skills and knowledge to offer the opportunity for personal career growth. This is addressed by providing the right training solutions tailored to business' and individuals' requirements, by delivering Apprenticeships, QCF standalone qualifications, short courses and corporate courses. Dynamic Client Solutions (DCS) Ltd also works hard to aid our community by providing relevant projects to help individuals find working opportunities and personal development.

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